Unlock Creative Delights at The Trading Post.

Find solace in your daily batch of fresh bread and steaming cup of cappuccino.

This unassuming shop, nestled around the corner from Europa Hoff and Steckels Motors, may not catch your eye at first glance. However, the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air will undoubtedly draw you in.


Chris Schumann and his father-in-law, Lappies, from whom he is taking over the shop.

Meet Chris Schoeman, the new owner of this enchanting establishment. Taking over from his father-in-law, Lappies, on April 1st of this year, Chris embarked on a new adventure. It was no April Fool’s joke but a sincere commitment to breathe new life into The Trading Post.

“I have big plans to expand,” Chris shares with enthusiasm. “Not to new premises, but definitely a bigger bakery area. Baking is my passion, and countless ideas are swirling in my head. Currently, we feel a bit stagnant due to limited space, but that’s about to change.”

The unexpected turn of events brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic became an opportunity for The Trading Post. Forced to adapt, Chris and his team decided to venture into the realm of food. They refused to let go of any staff members, and thus began crafting and delivering homemade meals to their loyal customers.

Chris’s background in the banking world may have honed his skills with numbers, but his newfound passion for culinary delights was sparked by his father-in-law’s introduction to the world of cooking. Transitioning from a 9-to-5 banking routine to owning his own business was a leap of faith, but Chris embraced the challenge alongside his wife, Marie Louise, and their three children.

“We often joke that I married into the business,” Chris admits with a laugh. Some might consider The Trading Post a hidden gem. However, within the five years since its inception, the shop’s reputation has grown exponentially, thanks to the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. Locals and tourists alike find solace in The Trading Post, whether it’s a daily batch of fresh bread or a steaming cup of cappuccino.

The Trading Post recently acquired a liquor license, promising an addition to their repertoire – a selection of carefully curated libations. Behind the scenes, Lappies, the creative mind behind the shop, remains involved, keeping the family ties strong.

“We start baking at 3 am,” Chris chuckles. “But soon, with the acquisition of a larger oven, we won’t have to rise quite so early!” The Trading Post takes pride in sourcing fresh, locally produced ingredients. From free-range eggs to artisanal products from South Africa, their business is a kaleidoscope of unique offerings. Coffee shop, arts and crafts, bakery delights, handcrafted goods – and proudly Namibian.

Corner of Biscmarck Street and Libertina Amadhila Street, Swakopmund, Namibia
064 405 081 thetradingpostswk@gmail.com

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